As the summer comes to a close, families begin the
transition back to school. At Francis Howell Middle one rite of passage is our Summer Survival Series. For one
evening, parents of incoming 6th grade students meet with both
administrators and parent leaders. We hold a Question and Answer Session where
topics include: Academic expectations, homework guidelines, BYOD, inter-grade
level grouping for lunch and Character Connection Class, the middle school model,
lunch, lockers, and extra-curricular activities. This event affords our parents
the opportunity to learn more about our school culture, climate, and expectations.
This informal venue allows for greater parent participation. Helping parents
transition to middle school is just as important as helping their children move
from 5th to 6th grade.
There are four keys to a successful parent transition meeting:
transparent in answering questions and with all interactions,
Encourage parents to take an active role during the middle level years (which includes
volunteering and even having lunch with their child),
Provide relevant
Reiterate the rigor and relevance of the academic curriculum.
This time with our incoming parents is priceless. It
provides an opportunity for the school leadership team to meet with and get to
know our new parents. It also allows the parents to take an evening to meet and
discuss important topics regarding middle school “life”. Together we now
prepare to take the final steps in getting ready for the start of the new
school year!