
St. Louis Regional Professional Development Center

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Today's Parent Communication

There are a multitude of communication channels that we can access each and every day. For our parents, we need to make sure to keep them in the loop.  Day to day activities and events are an integral part of the learning experience for our students and staff. From traditional forms of communication to contemporary Social Media venues, parents appreciate being “kept in the loop”.  Today it is important to let parents know what it happening at school. Selecting the appropriate communication is very important. Depending on what you need to share with parents, will determine which tool to use. Here are several different tools that I use to increase communication with parents.

One Way Communication Tools
·         Electronic News: This daily communication tool is a positive way to send out daily announcements updates.
·         Remind: This one-way texting took has become very popular with parents. They like receiving quick information via a text from teachers, counselors, and the administrators.  It’s a great way to set up different groups (or classes).  For our parents I have a class that allows me to send information for this stakeholder group.  This tool has increased parent awareness of different activities and functions taking place at school. Updated Remind features allow you to send pictures and add links to the Remind text messages.
·         School Management Systems: SISK12 or Infinite Campus are two communication tools that helps keep parent up to date regarding academics. Other venues like Edmodo, Class Dojpo, Schoology, and Google classroom allow parents to received more information regarding academics  and the individual classes.
·         Web-based Newsletters: This is a tool that I find to be extremely helpful. We started using for our monthly newsletters. It is a user friendly website that allows you to create family friendly newsletters.  You can send the smore newsletter to your parents via electronic news, Remind, or an email blast.
·         Website: Parents rely on our website. It is very important to make sure that the information is correct and current.

Two-Way Communication Tools
·         Instagram: This Social Media tool empowers the parents to get a glimpse into the school day.  Posting pictures that capture day to day activities lets parents see what’s going on without being at school.
·         Blog Posts: This provides periodic information for parents that relate to education and the learning process. Parents enjoy reading posts from teachers and administrators. It can serve as a professional development avenue for parents.
·         Email: This is an essential tool today to provide quick access information for your parents.
·         Email Blasts: A quick and easy way to send information to parents is to use the “group email” feature of your School Management System.
·         Facebook: A very popular Social Media tool, facebook empowers the school to connect and share a variety of things with your community. Upcoming events, celebrations, updates, or special notices.
·         Phone calls: Nothing can replace the old-fashioned, traditional telephone call to parents. They often appreciate calls just to let them know about something positive about their child’s day.
·         Twitter: Another Social Media tool that gives parents another venue to participate in two-way communication.  Parents can reply to tweets, ask questions, and access school resources that have been tweeted out from the school, a teacher, or administrator.
·         Twitter Chats: These chats provide parents with a chance to use their Social Media skills in a collaborative way to share ideas and thoughts. Chats can be a way to continue integrating Social Media into the school setting.

Although it is very easy to slide into the habit of using Social Media, parents also like the tradition forms of communication. By finding a balance between the two formats, you are able to reach all of your parents. I find that by using both one-way and two-way communication tools, parents appreciate knowing that there are times when they simply need information and there are times when they appreciate the opportunity to reply or communicate back to the school.