
St. Louis Regional Professional Development Center

Monday, April 22, 2013

Diet Coke and a strawberry Pop Tart...

Vices or habits often control, lead, and/or dictate how we run our lives…However, these habits or idiosyncrasies truly are just a part of our daily routine. We rarely give it much thought (as I stop to take a drink of my diet coke) as to when or how often the habit weaves itself into the fabric of our day. For me two things that "help me out" include my diet coke and strawberry Pop Tart (unfrosted).

I often think of the habits we have and also those habits of our students (Especially the ones we’d like to see fall to wayside). If we ask our students to change a habit that we perceive as one that impacts their school day, remember it takes a while to change or eliminate a habit. Remember, if you do decide to break or change one of your habits it takes 30 days to change, break, or begin a new habit. So when encouraging our students to make a change, they too need that time to make the transition into a new habit or behavior.

If you really want to consider eliminating the habit or vice, consider the following:
1.      Determine if you can go through the day without the vice or habit,
2.      Does it have any negative effects or impacts on your life?
3.      What can replace it in a healthy positive way?

Gotta go, its early morning and I need my diet coke and strawberry Pop Tart… What helps you get through the day?

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