
St. Louis Regional Professional Development Center

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

It’s time to talk about “Hopes and Dreams”

Several of my recent Blog posts have referenced the six week book study that engulfed my summer professional development. Beyond the Book Sale was the centerpiece of the study, Voxer was the catalyst, and #PTcamp symbolized the leaders who joined my in this journey.

The Understanding
Along the way I learned of a celebration known at “Hopes and Dreams”. Fellow #PTcamp colleagues, Jim Detwiler (@JimDetwiler1) and Chad Caddell (@laughwithchad), introduced this concept to our book study PLN. Every student in your school has both hopes and dreams. Aristotle noted that, “Hope is a Walking Dream”. I learned that by tapping into the hopes and dreams of our students we can serve as the catalyst to set everything in motion for their hopes and dreams to become a reality. After multiple conversations with my #PTcamp PLN I learned that the key to unlocking the door know as communication is to simply ask the question, “What are your hopes and dreams for your son/daughter?”

 The Metamorphosis
From the first six weeks of the 2014-2015 school year I can identify three clear, vivid, and game changing parent conversations. I learned to open the conversation by asking them this “life changing” question.  One parent paused, reflected, then began explaining the desires he had for her son. She had hopes of him breaking past the barriers that were holding him back. It was evident that she was not anticipating this to be the first question that I posed to her.  Another parent began to tear up as she expressed the desire for her son to be able to tap into his full potential despite hurdles that are in his way. Finally, a guardian quietly explained that she wanted to remove all potential obstacles from the path of her son. All three sets of parents opened up and shared their hopes and dreams for their children. These three conversations were honest, from the heart, and eye opening.

The Future
These three conversations helped me understand the passion, drive, and commitment that parents have for their children. The conversations changed the way I begin my parent conversations. I’ll close with words from Henry David Thoreau explained, “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the life you have imagined.”

Now my challenge for you… Will you begin each parent conversation with, “What are your hopes and dreams for your children?”

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