
St. Louis Regional Professional Development Center

Friday, October 17, 2014

Connected Educator Month and the 3 Rs: Renew, Relearn, Rejoice

The month of October brings about many changes, choices, and celebrations …the fall season is in full swing, many schools are wrapping up the 1st quarter of school, Fall Break is here, and it is Connected Educator month. For me October offers a time to reflect on the first part of the school year. It provides a Fall Break (which I immensely cherish) where I can spend time with my family, tend to a few chores around the house, and spend some time learning from my PLN.

This month on Twitter several chats have focused on connecting as educators. #Moedchat has dedicated all four of its October chats to this theme. #PTchat has worked to connect us with and to the different stakeholder groups in within our school communities (e.g. dads, students, ELL families, and even home visits). Also, Edcamps from across the country are focusing on connecting educators to our contemporary issues in education.

Here are my thoughts on the 3Rs:

Renew: Take time to renew your connection with colleagues. Take time to connect with your PLN cohort. Go deeper with your conversations and commitments to education. Join in with a chat that you’ve been missing out on. This week I renewed my connection with #MSchat. It was great getting back into the learning cycle with these middle level educators. Student motivation was the chat focus. During the #StuVoice chat (with #PTchat) it was great to see a renewed understanding of the importance of empowering student voice. The chat and GHO allowed students (and adult learners) to share, provide insight, and offer feedback.

Relearn: It’s ok to say, “I didn’t know that”. It’s even ok to “revisit” and to “brush up” on something you’ve been familiar with for many years. For me I am relearning information about McREL’s Nine Essential Instructional Strategies. I know the impact they have on student achievement. I am finding that I can now go “deeper” with my learning and understanding. Ultimately this means that my students will also benefit from my re-learning opportunities. I am learning that each strategy can truly impact student and adult learning if you take the time to dig deeper into how you can apply each strategy in the classroom.

Rejoice: Celebrate with your educational colleagues. Share the exciting things that are taking place in your school and school community. We learn from each other and we can all grow by learning about our Best Practices! I am finding that with my Twitter and Voxer PLNs that I am able to rejoice more often. I learn from colleague celebrations. @posickj has taught me to make each day the best day of the week. @GenieneD has a unique way of sharing student stories so that we all learn from all types of scenarios. @JoyWright91 has shown me the many ways to celebrate the work of each person I come in contact with. This list could go on and on. So to my PLN --- Thank You for rejoicing in the great works of your students, colleagues, and friends.

I look forward to hearing your stories from this month where we focused on the “Connected Educator”.

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