
St. Louis Regional Professional Development Center

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

My Three Reasons for Entering Education

 Dr. Peter M. DeWitt challenged each of us to share our #3REASONS for entering the field of education. This is such a timely challenge as we are facing unique times in education. Now is the perfect time to reflect on why we became educators. Here are my three reasons...

To help others discover their hidden potential  Assisting students in unearthing  potential talents and skills is every exciting work.  As a classroom teacher I taught theatre arts. An array of students enrolled in my high school theatre classes. Students who were part of the Theatre Ars Department, students needing a Fine Arts credit, students taking the class to fill their schedule, or those taking the classes because they heard they were "fun". No matter the reason, it was important for me to embrace their reason and purpose. That is how I started the first class of each semester, understanding their "WHY" for each particular theatre course. From here I would learn about their skills, interests, hobbies, and talents. Now, my Tech Theatre class was charged with building the sets for our four theatre productions each each year. This class entertained the most diverse group of student interests (Their skills, interests, and hobbies). Their interests helped determine how they would each be challenged to discover their hidden potential. One semester, three students stayed after school to continue building the set for the musical "Once Upon a Mattress".  We were in mid rehearsal when the students rushed into the Drama Center to let me know they had an idea for Princess Winnefred's bed and they wanted to get to work on it right away. If you know this show, the musical is based on the literary fairy tale "The Princess and the Pea". The bed, comprised of 23 mattresses, was one of the most challenging set pieces. Observing these students take time after school to work through an epiphany they had regarding the set still gives me goose bumps today. We all have stories like this one were we help students discover their hidden potential. Note: These three students enrolled in this class (multiple times) serving as set construction team leaders. 

To empower learners to achieve success  In "The ArtisanTeacher: A Field Guide to Skillful Teaching", Dr. Mike Rutherford shares twenty-three key educational themes that will impact student learning. Regarding the theme of Success (the ability of the teacher to increase and sustain student effort by designing and adapting learning tasks to ensure that students experience success) students will withhold efforts on educational experiences in which they perceive as too difficult, something they cannot do or achieve. In understanding this important facet of student success, it is my responsibility to make sure each student achieves success by breaking down the learning into simpler tasks, activities, projects. Once the student experiences success on a smaller scale, their confidence begins to grow and they are more willing to take risks on more difficult experiences.  This is the way to spark student effort in the classroom. Once this takes place, watch out as the students will take the ball and run with it. 

To share my passion for learning with others  I love education. No  reservations, restrictions, or excuses, I loved going to school, loved learning, and just thoroughly enjoyed the complete experience growing up. I guess that is why I was named "Mr. School Spirit" my senior year of high school.  Having a shared passion, I know each of us brings a different perspective to the classroom experience and so we may not all share this intense interest in education. Some students may not like school at all, some may only come to school for the social facet, or after school activities. Understanding and respecting this perspective helped me fashion my lessons and learning experiences to help spark a love of learning in my students. For many teachers former students return to visit sharing that they've continued on in a specific field of interests based on that teacher's passion. Nothing is more rewarding than this. Several of my students continued on studying theatre in college. Some making a career in technical or performance theatre. Reading about their successes, watching them perform, and cheering them on as they pursue their "dreams" is magical. 

So, what are your #3REASONS for becoming an educator? I want to read about your three reasons. Post your reasons in the comments below, on Twitter, or in a blog post. I look forward to learning your how you impact your students. 

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